
Friday, January 26, 2018

Cranberry banana bread

I love fruit and veggie breads, and especially pumpkin and banana bread. As I already have a recipe for pumpkin bread here, I had to post one for banana bread too.
This recipe is inspired by Caitlin Shoemaker, but I changed it, because I like to customize every recipe that I try (or to develop them from scratch :)
For this bread I used some dried cranberries and cacao nibs, because I love this combo!
And the bread it's still fluffy, delicious but filing and quite healthy. Also, it's oil free and gluten free too. It's a must try!
Let's go to the recipe now!


Friday, January 19, 2018

Tofu and peas fried rice

If you want something fast but still tasty, then I'll recommend you this fried rice with tofu and green peas. 
Bonus: it's cheap to make, gluten free, oil free while still tasting amazing! 
What do you say? Let me know if you try it :)


Friday, January 12, 2018

Oat and chickpea savory pancakes

Because I'm on a pancake kick right now, I wanted to create a savory pancake recipe too, for those who still want pancakes but are tired with the traditional ones.
Also, these are gluten free, oil free and quite high in protein also! So you check a lot of boxes with just one meal :)
You can have these with your favorite gravy or savory sauce. I prefer to eat them with a tahini and miso sauce or a peanut and miso sauce. And if it's a late meal maybe I add some tofu too :)

You have to try them and let me know how you found them!
Ok, let's go to the recipe now :)


Friday, January 5, 2018

Coconut and rice flour pancakes

For some time now I started experimenting with gluten free recipes, because I know some close people that are gluten intolerant and I love cooking for friends and family.
And I like sharing my recipes too! But you already know that :)
It occurred to me (with the help of my husband 😊) that I didn't post breakfast recipe for some time now, so here it comes.
This time I made some coconut and rice flour pancakes.

Here comes the recipe:
