
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Fluffy carrot cake (with a coconut frosting) (EN/RO)

I love cakes and breads made with vegetables, like carrot cake or zucchini bread because they are delicious and you get some veggies with your dessert too :)
And why shouldn't I love them? I make them quite healthy, full of nutrients and deliciousness. So I can nourish my body as well as my soul :)
And this is a recipe perfect for spring, because carrots are delicious, crunchy and fresh. And if you celebrate Easter, I believe that this recipe deserves a try!
And you can make a coconut frosting to top the cake if you want. Or you can eat it plain, or with some plant yogurt. Delicious!
Also, it's perfect for morning or for a breakfast or snack on the go if you bake it into mini loaves or muffins.
Let's see the recipe now!

Ingredients (EN):
** 300 g (2 cups) buckwheat flour
** 240 g (2 cups) finely grated carrots
** 375 ml (1 & 1/2 cups) soy milk
** 130 g (1/2 cup) peanut butter
** 100 g (1/2 cup) unrefined brown sugar
** 30 g (1/4 cup) walnuts, chopped
** 3 flax eggs (3 tbsp ground flax + 9 tbsp water)
** 2 tsp baking powder
** 1 tsp cinnamon
** 1 tsp vanilla extract
** 1/4 tsp salt

Ingrediente (RO):
** 300 g (2 căni) făină de hrișcă
** 240 g (2 căni) de morcovi rasi fin
** 375 ml (1 și 1/2 căni) lapte de soia
** 130 g (1/2 cană) unt de arahide
** 100 g (1/2 cană) zahăr brun nerafinat
** 30 g (1/4 cană) nuci, tocate/ zdrobite
** 3 ”oua” de in (3 linguri in măcinat + 9 linguri apă)
** 2 lingurițe praf de copt
** 1 linguriță scorțișoară
** 1 lb. extract de vanilie
** 1/4 linguriță de sare

Preheat the oven (medium heat) for at least 10-15 minutes.

Make the flax egg and set it apart. Grate your carrots.
Mix the dry ingredients into a bowl. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones. Mix until you have a batter.
Line a baking pan with parchment paper (or use a silicone one) and pour the batter. Bake for 60 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean) at medium heat.
Or you can make mini loaves and bake them for about 30-40 minutes on medium heat (or until a toothpick comes out clean).
You can also make muffins with the batter. And if you choose to make muffins, then you should bake them for about 25-40 minutes on medium heat (or until a toothpick comes out clean), depending on the size of your muffins.

Wheat flour instead of buckwheat flour
Other plant milk of choice instead of the soy milk
Nut or seed butter of your choice if you don't have or eat peanut butter, but take care not to use something too overpowering (like tahini)
Sweetener of choice instead of brown sugar. You may need to use less plant milk if you use a liquid sweetener.
Ground chia seeds instead of ground flax seeds in the "egg"

Metoda: Preîncălziți cuptorul (temperatură medie) timp de cel puțin 10-15 de minute.
Faceți oul de in și lăsați-l să se gelifice. Răzuiți morcovul.
Se amestecă ingredientele uscate într-un castron. Adăugați ingredientele lichide peste cele uscate. Amestecați până când aveți un aluat care poate fi turnat in forme.
Tapetati o tavă cu hârtie de copt (sau utilizați una de silicon) și turnați aluatul. Coaceți timp de 60 de minute la temperatură medie (sau până când o scobitoare iese curată).
Sau puteți să faceți mini checuri și le coaceți timp de aproximativ 30-40 de minute lla temperatură medie (sau până când o scobitoare iese curată).
De asemenea, puteți face brioșe cu aluatul. Și dacă alegeți să faceți brioșe, atunci timpul de coacere este de aproximativ 25-40 minute la temperatură medie (sau până când o scobitoare iese curată), în funcție de mărimea brioșei.

Făină de grâu în loc de făină de hrișcă
Alt lapte vegetal în loc de lapte de soia
Alt tip de unt - arahide, de floarea soarelui, caju - dacă nu aveți sau nu mâncați unt de arahide, dar nu folosiți ceva prea puternic ca și gust (ex. tahini)
Alt îndulcitor la alegere în loc de zahăr brun. Dacă utilizați un îndulcitor lichid, poate fi necesar să utilizați mai puțin lapte vegetal.
Semințe de chia în loc de semințe de in

You have a video version of this recipe on my YouTube channel too! And there you can see how I make a coconut whip/ frosting: 

Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel too, if you like what I'm doing, as the content is not not always the same on the blog and YouTube.

For the coconut whip/ frosting:
You need to use the cream from a full fat coconut milk can that was chilled in the fridge for at least 6 hours, 1/4 cup sugar of choice and maybe vanilla extract.
Use a mixer and process until you have stiff peaks.

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