
Friday, April 6, 2018

Vegan "egg" muffins (EN/RO)

Are you a fan of savory breakfasts, like me? Or savory muffins? Or maybe you miss egg muffins but they're made with eggs (duh!) so they're out of the question?
If the answer to any (or all above questions) is yes, then you'll like these muffins! Why? Because they're VEGAN egg muffins, delicious, but without the nasty cholesterol and cruelty. They even have that "eggy" flavor because of the black salt!
These muffins are not only delicious, but packed with nutrients, high in protein, oil free and gluten free also.
That means that you have to try them!
They're perfect for breakfast (at home or on the go), as a snack or for a brunch. Or lunch or dinner. Basically, they're perfect for any meal you want :)
Ok, let's go to the recipe now!

Ingredients (EN) (12 "normal" muffins or 8 big ones):
** 240 g (2 cups) chickpea flour
** 45 g (3/4 cup) nutritional yeast
** 440 ml (1 & 3/4 cup) unsweetened plant milk
** 75 g (1 cup) broccoli florets
** 130 g (1 cup) spinach (frozen and thawed)
** 140 g (2 cups) mushrooms, thinly sliced
** 65 g (1/4 cup) tahini
** 1 tsp black salt
** 1 tsp turmeric
** 1/2 tsp black pepper
** 1 tsp garlic powder
** 1/2 tsp chili flakes/ powder
** 1 tsp baking powder 

Ingrediente (RO):
** 240 g făină de năut
** 45 g fulgi de drojdie inactivă
** 440 ml lapte vegetal neindulcit
** 75 g broccoli florete mici
** 130 g spanac (congelat și dezghețat)
** 140 g ciuperci, tăiate în felii subțiri
** 65 g tahini
** 1 linguriță sare neagă (kala namak)
** 1 linguriță turmeric măcinat
** 1/2 linguriță piper negru măcinat
** 1 linguriță praf de usturoi
** 1/2 linguriță fulgi de chili / pudră
** 1 linguriță praf de copt

Method (EN):
Preheat the oven on medium heat for 10-15 minutes before baking.
Mix your dry ingredients until combined, then add your tahini and 1.5 cup plant milk little by little. Add the veggies and mix until well combined. If the batter is too thick add the rest of the milk too.
Pour your batter in muffin moulds (you can fill the moulds almost to the top, they won't rise much) and bake on medium-low heat for about 25 - 35 minutes.
Or you can pour everything in a bigger mould to make a frittata. Bake on medium-low heat for about 40-45 minutes. 

Metodă (RO):
Preîncălziți cuptorul la foc mediu timp de 10-15 minute înainte de coacere.
Se amestecă ingredientele uscate până se combină, apoi se adaugă tahini și 375 ml de lapte câte puțin câte puțin. Adăugați legumele și amestecați până se combină bine. Dacă aluatul este prea gros, adăugați și restul laptelui.
Se toarnă aluatul în forme de brioșe (puteți umple formele până aproape de buză, nu vor crește prea mult) și se coace pe foc mediu-scăzut timp de aproximativ 25 - 35 de minute.
Sau puteți turna totul într-o tavă mai mare pentru a face o frittata. Coaceți pe foc mediu-scăzut timp de aproximativ 40-45 de minute.


Nut or seed butter of your choice if you don't have or eat tahini, but the taste will be different 

You have a video version of this recipe on my YouTube channel too!

Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel too, if you like what I'm doing, as the content is not not always the same on the blog and YouTube.


  1. Do you know what "medium" heat would be in the US? Like 350°, maybe?
    Im excited to try this!!!

    1. Check the temperature correspondence tab that I put here, on the blog. I never understood Fahrenheit, unfortunately
