
Friday, June 15, 2018

Stretchy and melty sunflower mozzarella (EN/ RO)

I have to say... Before going vegan I liked cheese. Especially on a pizza, or in quesadilla...
I didn't had any dairy or other animal products for more than a year now, but I still love some (vegan) cheese from time to time. Especially some homemade cheese, that's not only oil and additives.
The homemade cheeses are usually made from nuts, especially cashews, but those then to be a bit expensive... So I wanted a good cheese that's not very expensive either.
So I turned to my friends, the sunflower seeds. And this mozzarella is stretchy, is melting on a pizza or quesadilla and it's really delicious. And quite affordable too!
I am actually proud of this recipe, to be honest with you!
Yes, this recipe is not oil free, but it's delicious, so I'm willing to eat oil from time to time, just for this yummy cheese :)
Let's go and see what I did!

Ingredients (EN):
** 80 g (0.5 cup) sunflower seeds, soaked for at least 1 hour or overnight
** 500 ml (2 cups) water
** 40 g (0.6 cup) nutritional yeast
** 15 g (1.5 tbsp) agar agar powder
** 30 g (3 tbsp) tapioca flour
** 60 g (4 tbs) coconut oil (optional, but recommended)
** 1 tbsp lemon juice
** 1/2 tsp garlic powder
** 1 tsp salt
** 1/4 tsp ground pepper

Soak the sunflower seeds for at least 1 hour, or better, overnight.
Add everything in a blender and blend until smooth.
Cook on low-medium heat until it thickens. Use as soon as it cools a bit or let it set in the fridge for at east 1 hour.
Store in the fridge for about 1 week.

Ingrediente (RO):
** 80 g semințe de floarea-soarelui, înmuiate timp de cel puțin 1 oră sau peste noapte
** 500 ml apă
** 40 g drojdie nutritivă
** 15 g agar agar pudra
** 30 g făină sau amidon de tapioca
** 60 g ulei de cocos (optional, dar recomandat)
** 1 lingura de suc de lamaie
** 1/2 linguriță de praf de usturoi
** 1 lingurită de sare
** 1/4 linguriță de piper

Înmuiați semințele de floarea-soarelui timp de cel puțin o oră sau mai bine, peste noapte.
Adăugați totul într-un blender și procesați până la uniformizare.
Gatiti la foc mic pana cand se ingroasa. Utilizați imediat ce se răcește un pic sau lăsați în frigider la minim 1 oră.
A se păstra în frigider timp de aproximativ o săptămână.

I have a video version with a recipe for a really quick and lazy quesadilla too, here:

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