
Friday, August 31, 2018

Delicious vanilla pear tart with a perfect coconut crust (EN/ RO)

It's already fall here. Ok, it's officially the last day of summer, but it already feels like fall. And we barely had any summer here :( 
But a tart made with fall fruits surely brings a bit of sun in our hearts. And this delicious vanilla pear tart with a coconut pastry crust it's inspired by fall but brings back a piece of summer in our hearts. 
And it's not only delicious, but oil free and gluten free, if you have any problems with gluten. 
And what's another thing that I love about this? Besides the obvious - it's delicious? It's something to make your back to school season/ start of the cold season better :)
Do you need more reasons to try this? Really? 
Let's see how I made it. And I perfected my coconut crust recipe too! 

Ingredients (makes about 6-8 servings): 

Friday, August 24, 2018

Two delicious wraps for school or work lunch (EN/ RO)

It's almost fall, so this means that it's almost back to school season. And I remember that that was quite a nice time for me (don't judge me, I kinda was a nerd in school, though I'm happy that for now I'm done with the school), but I always had to think at what should I pack for my meals. Especially when I had longer days. And who am I kidding? When you're at work you need food too!
And if the food is something delicious, easy to make and filling, then I believe that it's perfect!
My lunch wraps definitely check all the boxes for a good school or work meal, as you need just a few minutes to make them, they are very delicious and they keep you full too! 
So you'll have 2 more options for your on the go meals after you read this! Also, you can just wrap them in tissue paper or parchment paper and just throw them in a cooler bag and you don't need the ice pack for it, it keeps well like that for at least 6 hours.
And now let's see what I came up with! 

Smoky tofu and veggies wrap 
Ingredients (for 1 wrap) (EN):

Friday, August 17, 2018

Coconut vanilla creme caramel (EN/ RO)

As a child, my mom used to make creme caramel as a treat from time to time. I couldn't eat a lot as it was very rich, but I used to love it. And now I wanted some and I won't eat the traditional one, as it's not vegan. So I wanted a vegan version. 
I saw some vegan versions online, but I wanted to make my own, simpler, with just a few ingredients that I usually have in my pantry. And this is how I made this version, because my husband and I love coconut. And creamy desserts. 
And I have to say, I love it! It's everything a creme caramel should be: creamy, rich, sweet, with that caramel sauce on top... I love to add some berries to complement the richness and sweetness a bit. And the berries mixed with the creamy custard make such a dreamy combination! Or maybe you like to eat it just like this, without the berries, and that way is very delicious too! 
I recommend you to try both versions of this treat and let me know which one is your favorite! 
But it's enough talk... Let's go to the recipe! 

Ingredients (4-6 servings, depending on how big your moulds are):

Friday, August 10, 2018

Easy 5 ingredients pizza pockets (EN/ RO)

Who likes pizza? I sure do! And these little (or bigger, depends on how big you want them to be) pizza pockets are so much easier to pack when you're on the go than a pizza. And very delicious still!
Also, these pizza pockets are so easy to make and you only need 5 ingredients to create a delicious and quite healthy food that it's also very convenient. We love to eat them with a yogurt and garlic sauce or with just a simple tomato sauce, because what's pizza without a good sauce?
And why am I trying to find reasons for you to enjoy delicious vegan foods? Delicious food is always good and should be enjoyed because it's yummy and because you can!

Ingredients (makes about 8-10 pockets):

Friday, August 3, 2018

Chickpea and walnut seitan sausages (EN/ RO)

Even if the summer here looks more like fall, it's still the grill and barbecue season and sometimes some foods that are usually made on a grill are perfect to boost one's mood when it's rainy and grey outside. 
And sausages are something that is traditionally grilled and enjoyed at barbecues. Also when the sausages are vegan everything is looking so much better, am I right?
Of course, you can buy your sausages, but why should you? These ones are so easy to make, delicious and a lot healthier that the ones you can buy. So let's make some amazingly delicious vegan sausages!

Ingredients (yields about 10 sausages):
** 250 g (2 cups) wheat gluten
** 100 g (1/2 cup) chickpeas (cooked)
** 60 g (1/2 cup) walnuts
** 130 g (1/2 cup) tahini
** 1.5 tbsp garlic powder
** 1 tbsp smoky paprika
** 3 tbsp soy sauce
** 1 tsp coriander
** 1 tsp sage
** 1 tsp black pepper
** 1 tsp thyme
** 250 ml (1 cup) water

In a food processor blend together the walnuts, cooked chickpeas, tahini and spices with a splash of water until you have a paste with some walnut crumbs in it. Add the soy sauce and the gluten in the food processor and start blending, adding the rest of the water, until you have a wet dough.
You can knead the dough for 1-2 minutes more, but not too much, because you don't want your sausages to be too chewy.
Divide the dough in 10 equal pieces that you're gonna roll in some aluminum foil (or clingfilm). Make sure that the ends are tight then steam or boil your sausages for about 30 minutes.
Let them cool then you can grill or fry them or you can enjoy just like that on a bun with your favorite toppings.

Also, I have a video for this recipe too: 

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (ies aproximativ 10 cârnăciori):
** 250 g gluten de grâu
** 100 g năut (fiert)
** 60 g nuci
** 130 g tahini
** 1,5 linguri usturoi pudra
** 1 lingura ardei gras
** 3 linguri sos de soia
** 1 lingurita coriandru
** 1 linguriță salvie
** 1 lingurita negru
** 1 lingurita cimbru
** 250 ml apă

Într-un robot de bucătărie amestecați împreună nucile, năutul fiert, tahini și condimentele, cu un pic de apă până când aveți o pastă cu niște firmituri de nuci. Adăugați sosul de soia și glutenul în robotul de bucătărie procesați, adăugând restul de apă, până când aveți un aluat umed.
Puteți să frământați aluatul timp de încă1-2 minute, dar nu prea mult, pentru că nu doriți să aveți niște cârnăciori gumoși.
Împărțiți aluatul în 10 bucăți egale pe care le rulați în folie de aluminiu (sau folie alimentară). Asigurați-vă că sunt bine strânși la capetele, apoi gătiți la aburi sau fierbeți cârnăciorii timp de aproximativ 30 de minute.
Lăsați-i să se răcească, apoi puteți să îi prajiti sau să îi facți la grill sau puteți să îi consumati ca atare insoțiți de toppingurile preferate.