
Friday, August 17, 2018

Coconut vanilla creme caramel (EN/ RO)

As a child, my mom used to make creme caramel as a treat from time to time. I couldn't eat a lot as it was very rich, but I used to love it. And now I wanted some and I won't eat the traditional one, as it's not vegan. So I wanted a vegan version. 
I saw some vegan versions online, but I wanted to make my own, simpler, with just a few ingredients that I usually have in my pantry. And this is how I made this version, because my husband and I love coconut. And creamy desserts. 
And I have to say, I love it! It's everything a creme caramel should be: creamy, rich, sweet, with that caramel sauce on top... I love to add some berries to complement the richness and sweetness a bit. And the berries mixed with the creamy custard make such a dreamy combination! Or maybe you like to eat it just like this, without the berries, and that way is very delicious too! 
I recommend you to try both versions of this treat and let me know which one is your favorite! 
But it's enough talk... Let's go to the recipe! 

Ingredients (4-6 servings, depending on how big your moulds are):

** 800 ml (2 cans) full fat coconut milk
** 67 g (1/3 cup) unrefined brown sugar
** 75 g (6 tbsp) cornstarch or arrowroot powder
** 3 tsp vanilla extract or 1/2 pod vanilla bean
** 200 g (1 cup) unrefined brown sugar
** 85 ml (1/3 cup) water

Make the caramel:
In a pan, over medium-low heat mix your water with the sugar and mix pretty much continuously until your mixture is cooked down and you have a glossy and thick syrup that sticks to your spoon or spatula and you don't have any sugar granules at all.
Pour 2-3 tbsp of the caramel in the bottom of your bowls/ moulds.
Make the custard:
In a pan, over low heat, pour your coconut milk, cornstarch or arrowroot powder, sugar and vanilla extract or vanilla bean and mix everything together very well while your mixture is still cold.
Cook everything stirring continuously to avoid lumps until you have a thick and glossy custard.
Pour your custard in your moulds over the caramel sauce. Let it cool for a bit then let it set in the fridge for at least 4-6 hours or better, overnight.
Garnish with berries or enjoy by itself :)

Tip: You have to make the caramel thicker than what mine looked like in the video (I was impatient). If it's not cooked enough then your sugar will harden too much on the bottom of the bowl and it won't melt all when you pour the custard over it. Also, if you don't keep it enough in the fridge to set the caramel won't melt enough.

Don't forget that you have a video version of this recipe too: 

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (4-6 porții, în funcție de cât de mari sunt formele):
** 800 ml (2 cutii) lapte de cocos full fat
** 67 g zahăr brut nerafinat
** 75 g amidon de porumb sau alt amidon
** 3 linguri esență de vanilie sau 1/2 păstaie de vanilie
** 200 g zahăr brut nerafinat
** 85 ml apă

Faceți caramelul:
Într-o cratiță, la foc mic spre mediu turnați apa și zahărul și amestecați relativ continuu până când amestecul se reduce și aveți un sirop lucios și gros care se lipeste de lingura sau spatulă și nu aveți absolut deloc granule de zahăr.
Se toarnă 2-3 linguri de caramel pe fundul bolurilor/ formelor.
Faceți cremă:
Într-o cratiță, la foc mic, turnați laptele de cocos, amidonul de porumb, zahărul și esența sau păstaia de vanilie și amestecați totul împreună foarte bine în timp ce totul este încă rece.
Gatiti mixul amestecând continuu pentru a evita formarea de cocoloașe până când aveți o cremă groasă si lucioasă.
Se toarnă crema în forme peste sosul de caramel. Lăsați-o să se răcească puțin, apoi lăsați-o la frigider timp de cel puțin 4-6 ore sau mai bine, peste noapte.
Garnisiți cu fructe de pădure sau serviți ca atare :)

Observație: Trebuie să faci caramelul destul de gros, al meu în video era încă subțire, că nu aveam răbdare. Altfel nu se topește calumea după ce pui budinca peste. Și dacă nu stă destul de mult în frigider rămâne încă zahăr ars nelichefiat pe fundul bolului

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