
Friday, September 14, 2018

Comforting bean and potato skillet (EN/RO)

As I already said in a previous post, here it's already fall. And now I can feel and see it too, because it's getting quite cold in the morning and evenings and all the leaves start to turn yellow or red and some of them have already fallen on the ground :(
It's a weather to stay inside and cuddle with a cup of tea and also a weather for more hearty and comforting foods, like thick and chunky soups, stews, curries, or for something like this delicious bean and potato skillet. 
I know, it's not a combo that you see daily, but don't dismiss it because of that. I actually made this recipe once as a fridge cleaner/ lazy cooking day. And I loved it so much that I made it again 2 days after. And I thought I should share it with you too, because I'm gonna keep this recipe as a easy go to meal for when I want something that's not even delicious, but satisfying, filing and ready in about 30 minutes.
This kind of sounds like the new perfect fall food, isn't it?

Ingredients (3-4 servings):
** 500 g (or 2 cans) cooked beans
** 400 g (2 medium) potatoes, peeled and diced
** 400 g (1 can) diced tomatoes
** 200 g (1 big) onion, chopped or sliced
** 250 g (2 cups) sweet peppers, chopped
** 1 tsp garlic powder
** 1 tsp dried thyme
** 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
** 1/2 tsp ground coriander
** 1/2 tsp ground allspice
** 1 pinch of salt

Chop all your veggies. Rinse and drain your beans. I prefer to cook my own, but canned works as well.
Heat a nonstick skillet or a pan (I prefer to use and cook without oil) over medium heat and add the potatoes. Cook on medium, covered with a lid until they start to get a bit crispy on the outside (about 10 minutes). Stir occasionally.
Add your onions and a bit of water and cook until they get translucent. Add the peppers, beans and all spices. Add more water if the pan get dry. Stir and cook until the peppers start to soften a bit then add your tomatoes (canned or fresh both work well). Cook everything until you get the consistency of a stew.
I prefer to serve it warm with some avocado on top for some healthy fats and sometimes with a bit of lemon or lime (it may just be a pregnancy stuff, so you can let the lemon out).

Don't forget that you have a video version for this recipe too:

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (3-4 porții):
** 500 g (sau 2 conserve) fasole fiarta
** 400 g (2 cartofi medii), curățați și taiati cuburi/ bucati mici
** 400 g (1 conserva) de roșii cuburi
** 200 g ceapă, tăiată solzi
** 250 g ardei, taiati
** 1 lingurita usturoi pudra
** 1 lingurita cimbru uscat
** 1/2 linguriță piper negru măcinat
** 1/2 linguriță coriandru măcinat
** 1/2 lingurițe enibahar
** 1 vârf de cutit sare

Tăiați toate legumele. Spalati si scurgeti fasolea daca folositi din conserva.
Într-o tigaie nonaderenta (prefer să folosesc nonaderenta și să gătesc fără ulei) puneți cartofii si gatiti la foc mediu. Gatiti-ii acoperiti cu un capac pana cand incep sa devina putin mai crocanti la exterior (aproximativ 10 minute). Amestecati ocazional.
Adăugați ceapa și un pic de apă și gătiți până când devine translucida. Adăugați ardeii, fasolea și toate condimentele. Adăugați mai multă apă dacă nu mai aveti lichid in tigaie. Amestecati si gatiti până când ardeii încep să se înmoaie un pic apoi se adaugă roșiile (conservate sau proaspete ambele merg bine). Gatiti totul pana veti obtine consistenta unei tocanite.
Prefer sa mananc cu avocado deasupra pentru niste grasimi sanatoase si cateodata cu un pic de lamaie sau lime (poate fi doar o chestie de gravida, asa ca poti lasa lamaia deoparte).

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