
Friday, September 7, 2018

Make ahead breakfast ideas (EN/ RO)

Are you a breakfast fan? Because I didn't used to be... before I discovered meal prep. Why?
Because I was lazy most of the time and I preferred to sleep half an hour than make something to eat. And because I didn't have something already prepped, I used to make not so healthy choices when I would finally eat something. And now that I'm vegan, nothing changed. I mean I still prep my meals and I absolutely love doing this. It helps me a lot and saves a lot of time in the morning. Plus, I know that I have something delicious and healthy ready to go if I'm in a hurry (which is most of the mornings, let's be real!)
That's why I wanted to share some of my easy make ahead go to recipes with you!
They're ready in minutes the night before, and you can grab them from the fridge and enjoy! I love knowing that I have something so easy to make, customizable and ready to go when I need to.
Did I mention that they're also healthy and delicious?
Let's see what I made!

Berry delight wake-up smoothie

Ingredients (1 smoothie):

** 40 g (1/3 cup) quick or rolled oats
** 30 g (2 tbsp) hemp hearts
** 350 ml (1.3 cup) plant milk + more if you want
** 140 g (1.5 cup) mixed berries (frozen of fresh)
** 20 g (2 tbsp) peanut flour or peanut butter (or other nut or seed butter of choice)
** 1 banana (fresh or frozen)

In a blender start by adding your liquid to facilitate the blending process, then add the rest of your ingredients and blend until everything is smooth. You can add more liquid if you feel the need.
You can make the smoothie the night before and store in the fridge until morning, when you can grab it and go.

Ingrediente (1 smoothie):
** 40 g (1/3 cana) fulgi de ovaz fini (sau mari)
** 30 g (2 linguri) seminte de cânepă decorticate
** 350 ml (1,3 cana) lapte vegetal + mai mult dacă doriți
** 140 g (1,5 cana) mix fructe de padure (congelate sau proaspete)
** 20 g (2 linguri) făină de arahide sau unt de arahide (sau alt unt de nuci sau seminte)
** 1 banană (proaspătă sau congelată)

Într-un blender adăugați intai lichidul, apoi adăugați restul ingredientelor și blenduiți până când aveti un smoothie fin.
Poți să faci smoothie-ul cu o noapte înainte și să il păstrezi în frigider până dimineață, când il poți lua gata facut.

Don't forget that you have a video version for these recipes too:

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Overnight berry oatmeal chia pudding

Ingredients (1 serving):
** 60 g (1/2 cup) quick or rolled oats
** 30 g (2 tbsp) chia seeds
** 350 ml (1.3 cup) plant milk
** 90 g (1/2 cup) mixed berries (frozen of fresh)
** 30 g (2 tbsp) peanut butter (or other nut or seed butter of choice)
** cinnamon (optional)
** sweetener of choice (optional)

In a jar mix the oats with the chia seeds then add your milk little by little mixing everything together, because you don't want chia seeds clumps :)
Add your berries, peanut butter and cinnamon and sweetener (if you use). Mix everything, place the lid on the jar and let in the fridge overnight or for at least 3 hours.
Enjoy like it is or top with more fruits, nuts and/ or seeds. You can also heat it in the microwave for a bit, if you prefer your oatmeal warm.

Ingrediente (1 portie):
** 60 g (1/2 cana) fulgi de ovaz fini (sau mari)
** 30 g (2 linguri) semințe de chia
** 350 ml (1,3 cana) lapte vegetal preferat
** 90 g (1/2 cana) mix fructe de padure (congelate sau proaspete)
** 30 g (2 linguri) unt de arahide
** scorțișoară (opțional)
** îndulcitor la alegere (opțional)

Într-un borcan amestecați ovăzul cu semințele de chia apoi adăugați laptele puțin câte puțin, amestecând permanent, pentru că nu vrem ca semințele de chia să se aglutineze :)
Adăugați fructele de padure, untul de arahide, scorțișoara și îndulcitorul (dacă utilizați). Se amestecă totul, se pune capacul la borcan și se lasă în frigider peste noapte sau cel puțin 3 ore.
Se poate consuma ca atare sau adaugati mai multe fructe, nuci și/ sau semințe. Puteți încălzi, de asemenea, în cuptorul cu microunde, dacă preferați ceva cald.

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