
Friday, October 19, 2018

Chocolate chip muffins (EN/ RO)

These chocolate chip muffins were actually born as a result of a evening craving... I wanted something a bit sweet, fluffy, with chocolate. And healthy.
That means that I had to make them, because I can't buy something like this anywhere near me. So, I made them. And loved them so much that I had to share them with you too.
Now, to be even healthier, I use cacao nibs, but you can use chocolate chips or chocolate chunks to make them more decadent. And from time to time, some chocolate is really good, especially for the soul, isn't it?
Oh! And do you want to know something? I had to make them 3 times in one week just to have something to photograph between the crappy weather and light and them being so delicious that they disappear fast. So I go to photograph the ugliest batch ever that I kept in the oven more than necessary (as you can already see), because I was already tired and a bit angry that I filmed and written down the recipe way before I actually needed to and I didn't had any pictures... So guys, don't bake when too tired and already irritated or angry, because you just to burn them.
Guess what though? They are delicious even if you burn them a bit 😂
Now you have to try the recipe...

Ingredients (14 to 16 "normal" muffins or 8 to 10 bigger ones):
** 300 g (2 cups) whole wheat flour
** 375 ml (1.5 cups) soy milk
** 300 g (1 cup) date paste
** 175 g (2/3 cup) peanut butter
** 100 g (1/2 cup) chocolate chips OR 75 g (1/2 cup) cacao nibs
** 2 flax eggs (2 tbsp ground flax + 6 tbsp water) 
** 2 tsp baking powder
** 1 tsp vanilla extract
** 1 pinch of salt

Preheat the oven (medium heat) for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Make the flax egg and set it apart.
Mix the dry ingredients (keep the chocolate chips for later). Add the wet ingredients little by little starting with the nut butter and date paste and mix until everything is incorporated. Add the chocolate chips and fold until evenly distributed.
Pour your batter into your muffin molds/ pan if you have silicone ones (or a muffin pan lined with muffin liners if you don't have a silicone tray/pan) and bake them for 20-30 minutes on medium heat (or until a toothpick comes out clean), depending on the size of your muffins.

Buckwheat flour instead of the whole wheat flour (never tested with other flours besides the buckwheat or whole wheat, though)
Other plant milk of choice instead of the soy milk
Nut or seed butter of your choice if you don't have or eat peanut butter, but take care not to use something too overpowering
Other sweetener of choice instead of date paste. You may need to use more or less plant milk if you use other sweetener.
Ground chia seeds instead of ground flax seeds in the "egg"

Don't forget that you have a video version for this recipe too: 

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (ies 14-16 brioșe "normale" say 8-10 mai mari) :
** 300 g făină de grâu integrală
** 375 ml lapte de soia
** 300 g pasta de curmale
** 175 g unt de arahide
** 100 g bucati de ciocolata sau 75 g boabe de cacao
** 2 ouă de in (2 linguri in măcinat + 6 linguri apă) 
** 2 lingurițe de praf de copt
** 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
** 1 vârf de cutit de sare

Preîncălziți cuptorul (la temperatura medie) timp de 10-15 minute.
Preparați oul de in și lasați-l sa se gelifieze.
Se amestecă ingredientele uscate (păstrați chips-urile de ciocolată pentru mai târziu). Adăugați ingredientele umede puțin câte puțin începând cu untul de arahide și pasta de curmale și amestecați până când totul este încorporat. Adăugați chips-urile de ciocolată și îmai amestecați usor până la distribuirea uniformă.
Se toarnă aluatul în formele sau tava de briose dacă aveți din silicon (sau o tava de brioșe cu hartii de briose dacă nu aveți o tavă de silicon) și se coc timp de 20-30 minute la temperatură medie (sau până cand o scobitoare introdusa in ele iese curata), în funcție de mărimea brioșelor.

Făină de hrișcă în loc de făină integrală de grâu (nu au fost testate cu alt tip de faina, în afară de acestea doua)
Alt lapte vegetal, în loc de lapte de soia
Alt unt de nuci sau de semințe la alegerea dvs. dacă nu aveți sau nu mănâncați unt de arahide, dar aveți grijă să nu folosiți ceva cu gust prea puternic
Alt îndulcitor la alegere în loc de pastă de curmale. Este posibil să aveți nevoie să utilizați mai mult sau mai puțin lapte vegetal dacă folosiți un alt îndulcitor.
Semințe de chia în loc de semințe de in măcinate în "ou"

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