
Friday, October 12, 2018

Creamy lentil and root vegetable soup (EN/ RO)

Who doesn't like hearty creamy soup on a cold fall day? I know I do! 
This soup is creamy without actually needing any cream or other refined fats, just by cooking blending delicious wholesome ingredients. And you only need one pot and less than 1 hour to make it. Also, it's perfect for meal prep too :)

Ingredients (makes about 8 servings):

** 460 g (2 cups) red lentils
** 240 g (1.5 cup) carrots, chopped
** 210 g (1.5 cup) celeriac, chopped
** 100 g (1/2 cup) onions, chopped
** 150 g (1/2 cup) tomato sauce
** 1/2 tsp salt
** 1 tsp black pepper, ground
** 1 tsp coriander, ground
** 1/2 tsp ground cumin
** 1 tsp garlic powder
** 1.75 - 2 l (7-8 cups) water or veggie broth

Chop your veggies (reasonable small, as you're gonna blend them after they're cooked).
In a pot saute the onions with the spices in some water or veggie broth (or some vegetable oil, if you prefer) until the onions start to soften and the spices are fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients and 5-6cups of water and cook until all the veggies and lentils are soft, for about 25-30 minutes or more if needed. Add the rest of water or broth. If you want it thicker use 7 cups of liquid, and if you want it to be thinner use 8 cups or more. Add the tomato sauce. Cook for about 5-10 more minutes.
Let everything cool and then blend using an immersion blender or a normal one. Both work great.
Serve with some fresh greens (basil, parsley or cilantro), plant yogurt, maybe some seeds on top for a bit of crunch... Some toast or croutons would make a good addition too :)

This soup is perfect for meal prep, as it keeps for up to 5 days in the fridge, and you can freeze it too, for up to 6 months. So make bigger batches and freeze some for later :)

Don't forget that you have a video version for this recipe too: 

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like! 

Ingrediente (aproximativ 8 portii):
** 460 g linte rosie
** 240 g morcovi
** 210 g radacina de telina
** 100 g ceapa
** 150 g sos de roșii
** 1/2 linguriță de sare
** 1 lingurita piper negru, macinat
** 1 lingurita de coriandru, macinat
** 1/2 linguriță de chimion, măcinat
** 1 lingurita usturoi pudra
** 1,75 - 2 l (7-8 cani) apă sau supă de legume

Se taie legumele (nu foarte mici, oricum se baga in blender la final).
Într-o oală, se caleste ceapa cu condimentele in putina apă (sau ulei, dacă preferați) până când ceapa începe să se înmoaie și condimentele sunt aromate. Adaugati restul ingredientelor si 5-6 cani de apa si gatiti pana cand toate legumele si lintele sunt moi, timp de aproximativ 25-30 minute sau mai mult, daca este necesar. Se adaugă restul de apă sau bulion. Dacă vreti o supa mai groasa folosiți 7 cani de lichid, și dacă doriți să fie mai subțire folosiți 8 sau mai multe cani. Adăugați sosul de roșii. Gatiti aproximativ inca 5-10 minute.
Lasati totul sa se raceasca si apoi blenduiti supa intr-un mixer obisnuit sau cu unul cu imersie. Ambele funcționează minunat.
Serviți cu verdeturi proaspete (busuioc, patrunjel sau coriandru), iaurt vegetal, poate niște semințe de dovleac sau floarea soarelui pentru ceva crocant... Si niste crutoane sau paine prajita merg de minune cu supa!

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