Monday, May 20, 2019

Bean and spinach curry

As a mom with a small baby, I love recipes that are easy to make, fast and I can use them for meal prep too. 
This curry is all that, meaning you need simple ingredients to make it, it's easy and quite fast to make and it's also perfect for meal prep. It freezes really well too! 
It's actually a staple in our home :)
If you don't believe me you just have to try it :)

Ingredients (8-10 servings):

1000 g (5.5 cups or 4 cans) beans of choice, cooked
350 g (2.5 cups) carrots, chopped
350 g (2 cups) sweet pepper, chopped
250 g (2.5 cups) leeks, chopped (or you can use onions) 
450 g (1 bag) frozen spinach, preferably whole leaf
400 ml (14 oz can) coconut milk (preferably full fat)
750 ml (3 cups) water or veggie broth
15 g (2.5 tbsp) curry powder (or curry paste works too)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp salt

Chop all the vegetables.
In a large pan and cook the spices dry until fragrant, then add the coconut milk and cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat.
Add the leeks and a bit of water or veggie broth until soft. Add the carrots, peppers, beans and spinach and the water/ veggie broth. Cook all the veggies are cooked trough.
Serve over your favorite grains grains with some fresh greens (parsley or cilantro on top)
This recipe is perfect for meal prep and freezes really well too, for up to 3 months.

You have a video recipe for this too: 

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (8-10 porții):
1000 g (5,5 cani sau 4 conserve) fasolea preferata, fiarta
350 g (2,5 cani) morcovi, taiati
350 g (2 cani) ardei dulce, taiat
250 g (2,5 cesti) praz, taiat (sau ceapa)
450 g (1 punga) spanac congelat, de preferință frunze întregi
400 ml (1 conserva) lapte de cocos full fat
750 ml (3 cani) apă sau
15 g (2,5 linguri) curry pudra (sau pastă de curry, daca vreti)
1 lingurita usturoi granulat
1 lingurita piper negru macinat
1 linguriță coriandru măcinat
1/2 linguriță de sare

Se taie toate legumele.
Într-o oala mare gatiți condimentele uscat 1-2 minute, apoi adăugați laptele de cocos și gătiți timp de aproximativ 5 minute la foc mediu.
Adăugați prazul și puțină apă sau supa de legume până când se inmoaie. Se adaugă morcovii si ardeii si gatiti 3-4 minute. Adaugati fasolea și spanacul și apa/ supa de legume. Gatiti pana cand toate lgumele sunt gata.
Serviți cu orez, quinoa... cu câteva verdețuri proaspete (pătrunjel sau cilantru deasupra)
Această rețetă este perfectă pentru meal prep si se poate congela până la 3 luni.

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