
Friday, December 14, 2018

Pumpkin pie spice cake with a coconut pumpkin frosting (EN/ RO)

I made something with pumpkin again... What's new, am I right? You all know that I love pumpkin by now... And that I like to make things that are different. 
A few weeks ago I asked my YouTube family what they want to see this month. And most people said that they want recipes for holidays, hence the latest recipes. And I think that this one is also fit for your holiday table. 
This cake is light and fluffy, full of flavor and warming spices. And the creamy pumpkin and coconut frosting is so light and yummy and and fits perfectly with the spices that I use! 
I also love that if you know how to use a piping bag (aka, you're not terrible at it, like I am) you can make it look amazing, to fit the taste!

Ingredients (makes a 24 cm or 10 inch cake): 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Tahini biscuits (EN/ RO)

Biscuits and gravy is not really a thing in my country, but I've heard so much about this combo and about biscuits and gravy in general! 
And the fact that they always look so fluffy and flaky made me want to try them. 
I've researched a bit about the difference between biscuits and scones (I found out that no, they're not the same thing) and I started to develop a recipe for myself. Using tahini, because I love it and whole wheat flour for added nutrition. 
And guys, they are so delicious! Fluffy and flaky and they have and amazing depth of flavor, with a bit of bitterness because of the tahini too! They are amazing with a bit of vegan butter and some jam, nut butter, fruits, gravy... Your choice. 
Just try them for yourself, because you don't have to take my word :) 


Bean gravy (EN/ RO)

I've heard a lot about biscuits and gravy and gravy in general. So much, in fact, that I wanted to try some for myself. 
But I had to do it my way, of course! So I tried it, and i managed to make it oil free and full of flavor too! It goes well with a lot of savory foods, like a chickpea and lentil loaf, seitan steaks, a seitan wellington or some biscuits if you're into that :) 


Friday, November 30, 2018

Chickpea lentil loaf (EN/ RO)

It's cold here and it feels like winter already, even if it's not quite December yet... The streets are decorated for the winter Holidays already and everything feels a bit rushed, a bit too soon. Maybe because this year's Holidays come with so much more than usual! And I can barely think of everything and it's way too much to put into words right now.
But with everything going on right now (last few weeks of pregnancy, last preparations and more), I still wanted to make some recipes for this year's Holiday season. Or maybe just because there are so many wonderful things going on I wanted to share some more of my recipes with you :)
And I believe that a chickpea lentil loaf that it's delicious and can also be baked in individual servings (as savory muffins or mini loaves) deserves a spot on your table as an entree. It goes well with steamed, baked or sauteed veggies, a side salad and don't forget about your favorite gravy too! 
As most of my recipes, this one has no added oil and as a bonus it's gluten free too (or, if you don't consider oats gluten free, I have alternatives for that too). 
Now let's stop with everything else and see how it's actually made, because it's also easy to make it!

Ingredients (makes 1 big loaf or 8-10 big muffins):
** 340 g (2 cups) green or brown lentils, cooked, drained
** 200 g (1 cup) chickpeas, cooked, drained
** 180 g (1.5 cups) rolled oats *
** 180 g (1 cup, packed) carrots, grated
** 200 g (1 cup) onions, chopped
** 120 g (3/4 cup) sunflower seeds
** 3 flax eggs (3 tbsp flax meal + 9 tbsp water)
** 3 tbsp tomato paste **
** 1/2 tsp salt
** 2 tsp garlic powder
** 1 tsp sage
** 1 tsp thyme
** 1 tsp ground coriander
** 2 tsp paprika
** 1/4 tsp black pepper
** 1/4 tsp chili powder ***

In a food processor or blender add the oats and blend until you have a coarse flour.
I prefer to chop the onions in the food processor as well, as it saves time and energy :)
In the food processor add the chickpeas, veggies, sunflower seeds and spices and blend until everything is crumbly. Add the lentils and about 0.5 cup of the oats flour. Blend until you have a homogeneous yet still a bit chunky mixture. Add the rest of the oats and the tomato paste and mix everything (I use my hands or a spatula at this point). If it's too dry you can add some water (a few tablespoons should be enough), just don't make it too wet.
You can let it rest in the fridge for at least half an hour, but this step is not mandatory.
Line a baking dish with parchment paper and put that mixture in. Press it down enough to be even.
Preheat your oven to medium heat for about 15 minutes before baking.
Bake the loaf for 60 minutes on medium -low heat. You can make a glaze with tomato paste, garlic, pepper and other spices that you like or you can use some vegan barbecue sauce too. If you want to glaze your loaf, then take it out after 30 minutes and spread that glaze on top of your loaf. Bake for another 30 minutes. Take it out and let it cool a bit before cutting it.
Also, you can make mini loaves or big muffins for individual portions.
If you choose to make muffins or mini loaves bake them for about 30 to 40 minutes on medium – low heat. And if you want to glaze them take them out after about 15-20 minutes, glaze them and let them bake for 15-20 more minutes. Take them out and let them cool for a bit.
Enjoy with a side of veggies, a salad, your favorite gravy...
Also, you can use the leftovers for sandwiches, for your work or school lunch.

* Instead of the oat flakes you can also use buckwheat or quinoa flakes
** You can substitute tomato paste with ketchup, barbecue sauce (make sure it doesn’t have any animal products in it, though).
*** If you love spicy to very spicy foods you can add more chili powder

Don't forget that you have a video version for this recipe too:

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (1 „drob” sau 8-10 brioșe mari):
** 340 g linte verde sau maro, fiarta, scursa
** 200 g năut, fiert, scurs
** 180 g fulgi de ovăz *
** 180 g morcov, ras
** 200 g ceapa, tocata
** 120 g seminte de floarea-soarelui
** 3 „ouă” de in (3 linguri in macinat + 9 linguri de apă)
** 3 linguri de pasta de tomate **
** 1/2 linguriță de sare
** 2 lingurițe usturoi pudra
** 1 linguriță salvie uscata
** 1 lingurita cimbru
** 1 linguriță coriandru macinat
** 2 lingurițe boia de ardei dulce
** 1/4 linguriță piper negru
** 1/4 linguriță chili pudra ***

Într-un robot de bucătărie sau blender puneți ovăzul și procesați până când aveți o făină grosieră.
Prefer sa tai si ceapa in robotul de bucătărie, pentru ca economisesc timp si energie :)
În robotul de bucătărie adăugați năutul, ceapa, morcovul, semințele de floarea-soarelui și condimentele și procesați până când totul este sfărâmat. Adăugați lintea și aproximativ 0,5 cană de făină de ovăz. Amestecați până când aveți un amestec omogen și totuși un pic sfaramicios. Adăugați restul de ovăz și pasta de tomate și amestecați totul (puteti folosi mâinile sau o spatulă). Dacă vise pare ca amestecul este prea uscat, puteți adăuga puțină apă (câteva linguri ar trebui să fie suficient), dar aveti grija sa nu devina prea umed.
Puteți lăsa să stea în frigider cel puțin o jumătate de oră, dar nu este obligatoriu.
Captusiți o forma de chec cu hârtie de copt și puneți amestecul înăuntru. Presați-l suficient pentru a fi uniform.
Preîncălziți cuptorul la temperatura medie timp de aproximativ 15 minute înainte de coacere.
Coaceți pamestecul timp de 60 minute la foc mediu. Puteți face o glazură cu pastă de roșii, usturoi, piper și alte condimente pe care le doriți sau puteți folosi și barbecue vegan. Dacă doriți să glazurați „drobul”, scoateți-l după 30 de minute și împrăștiați acea glazură pe toata suprafata. Coaceți încă 30 de minute. Scoateți-o și lăsați-o să se răcească puțin înainte de a o tăia.
De asemenea, puteți face mini pâini sau brioșe mari pentru porțiuni individuale.
Dacă alegeți să faceți brioșe sau mini-drob, coaceți-le timp de aproximativ 30-40 minute la foc mediu - scăzut. Și dacă doriți să le glazurati, scoateți-le după aproximativ 15-20 de minute, glazurați-le și lăsați-le să se coaca inca 15-20 de minute. Scoateți-le și lăsați-le să se răcească puțin.
Sunt perfecte cu cu legume sote sau la aburi, o salată, sosul dvs. preferat ...
De asemenea, puteți folosi restul pentru sandwich-uri pentru pranzul de la lucru sau la scoala.

* În loc de fulgi de ovăz, puteți folosi și fulgi de hrișcă sau quinoa
** Puteți să înlocuiți pasta de tomate cu ketchup, sos barbecue (asigurați-vă că nu au produse de origine animală).
*** Dacă vă plac alimentele peste medie de picante, puteți adăuga mai mult chili

Friday, November 23, 2018

Pumpkin and beans vegan "meatballs" (EN/ RO)

Another pumpkin recipe on this blog? Yes! Why? Because I like pumpkin... and I can find it in all the stores right now, so it's the perfect excuse to make more pumpkin recipes. 
And not only sweet recipes, as you already saw :) 
Actually, this recipe came to be more like an accident or a joke in the beginning. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I tried it one day and guess what? I liked it! 
The pumpkin keeps the meatballs moist while bringing a bit of sweetness, the tahini brings some healthy fats and a nice depth of flavor. And all the spices complement each other and make these "meatballs" delicious. And you can serve them for your holiday meal too! With some mashed potatoes and your favorite gravy... Yummy! 
You can also make a "meatball" sandwich with all the fixings too! 
I think that now it's time to go to the recipe, so you can make it at home too!


Friday, November 16, 2018

Lentil pumpkin soup

Today I have for you a pumpkin and lentil soup recipe that's vegan, flavorful, velvety, delicious and oil and gluten free too! And it's also easy to make, perfect for meal prep and for this dreary weather!
Also, it's my newest soup obsession too!
It's the perfect end to a day! Just imagine this: after a long cold day you come home and have a nice steaming bowl of creamy delicious soup with some croutons, vegan yogurt and fresh parsley on top too... For me this kind of sounds like the perfect dinner in this cold weather!
And you can enjoy this while wrapped in a blanket if you want, to make everything even more cozy!
Ok... Let's see how I make this yummy soup!

Ingredients (makes about 6 servings):

Friday, November 9, 2018

3 ingredients homemade bounty bars

I love myself some chocolate from time to time, even now, when I can barely tolerate commercially sweet things... But sometimes (or a lot of times, to be honest) the commercial chocolates are not vegan friendly in addition to being full of sugar... So I decided to recreate some of my favorite sweets, but made a bit healthier and a lot simpler!
I started with these 3 ingredients homemade bounty bars that are not only vegan, but oil free, easy to make and quite a bit healthier than the commercial version. And they still have a fluffy coconut middle, yummy chocolate coating, they're rich and perfect for a treat when you want one... The danger with them? You're gonna want to eat them all in one sitting. Don't say that I didn't warn you...
Granted, because I used date paste the coconut filing is not very white and sparkly as the commercial ones are, but you can use a lighter colored sweetener if you want that white. I love my bars a bit dark because they are unique and different too, so I don't feel the need to change this:)
It's nice to know that you can make stuff like this with just a few ingredients at home. And they are very sweet for my taste right now, which means that they should be perfectly sweet for the rest of the normal people :))
Let's see the recipe now, I've rambled enough...

Ingredients (for about 12 bars):

Friday, November 2, 2018

Broccoli, carrot and onion pakoras (EN/ RO)

As you know, I love chickpea flour, because it's so versatile and goes well in so many combinations, sweet or savory! 
And these broccoli, carrot and onion pakoras are delicious, gluten and oil free (if you choose not to fry them), healthy and perfect for this weather too!
And paired with a cooling sauce made with (vegan) yogurt and dill they're divine! Even small children love them! And I know this because I had a collab with a local vegan and vegetarian restaurant and even children loved the food that I made! It was awesome to see so many people enjoy my food! 
So you have to try this too!


Friday, October 26, 2018

Split peas and lentil dahl (EN/ RO)

The fall recipes series continues here with a cozy and delicious dahl... Was I doing a fall series in the beginning, btw? Who cares? I have more recipes perfect for this colder season and I think that technically, I can consider this a series, because I have more than one recipe :))
This split peas and lentil dahl is delicious, perfect for fall, oil free, gluten free by default, high in protein and really healthy! 

Also, it's quite easy to make, and perfect over rice or sweet potatoes, with some avocado on top is more than perfect! 
Can you tell that I love this recipe? :)) 
What can I say? I'm guilty of loving the food that I make...


Friday, October 19, 2018

Chocolate chip muffins (EN/ RO)

These chocolate chip muffins were actually born as a result of a evening craving... I wanted something a bit sweet, fluffy, with chocolate. And healthy.
That means that I had to make them, because I can't buy something like this anywhere near me. So, I made them. And loved them so much that I had to share them with you too.
Now, to be even healthier, I use cacao nibs, but you can use chocolate chips or chocolate chunks to make them more decadent. And from time to time, some chocolate is really good, especially for the soul, isn't it?
Oh! And do you want to know something? I had to make them 3 times in one week just to have something to photograph between the crappy weather and light and them being so delicious that they disappear fast. So I go to photograph the ugliest batch ever that I kept in the oven more than necessary (as you can already see), because I was already tired and a bit angry that I filmed and written down the recipe way before I actually needed to and I didn't had any pictures... So guys, don't bake when too tired and already irritated or angry, because you just to burn them.
Guess what though? They are delicious even if you burn them a bit 😂
Now you have to try the recipe...

Ingredients (14 to 16 "normal" muffins or 8 to 10 bigger ones):

Friday, October 12, 2018

Creamy lentil and root vegetable soup (EN/ RO)

Who doesn't like hearty creamy soup on a cold fall day? I know I do! 
This soup is creamy without actually needing any cream or other refined fats, just by cooking blending delicious wholesome ingredients. And you only need one pot and less than 1 hour to make it. Also, it's perfect for meal prep too :)

Ingredients (makes about 8 servings):

Friday, October 5, 2018

Plum galette (EN/ RO)

I found some sweet and juicy fall plums and I was so happy and giddy about them! And why? Because I love plums and I love cooking with them too! 
This plum galette is easy to make, delicious and has no refined oil. Just healthy fats from the nut butter. And the plums are so soft and delicious after baking, almost like a jam that make a really nice contrast with the crumbly crust. 
You have to try it if you find some plums!

Ingredients (makes about 6 servings):

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Coconut flour pastry crust (EN/ RO)

** 80 g (2/3 cup) coconut flour 
** 46 g (1/3 cup) tapioca flour 
** 87 g (1/3 cup) peanut or sunflower butter 
** 2 flax eggs (2 tbsp ground flax seeds + 6 tbsp water) or chia eggs 
** 30 g (2 tbsp, packed) unrefined brown sugar 
** 85 ml (1/3 cup) plant milk of choice 
** 5 g (1 tsp) baking powder 


** Other nut or seed butter instead of the ones that I mentioned. The taste may vary a bit because of the butter, though.
** Other sweetener of choice

** 80 g făină de cocos
** 46 g făină de tapioca
** 87 g unt de arahide sau unt de floarea-soarelui
** 2 oua de in (2 linguri de seminte de in macinate + 6 linguri de apa)
** 30 g zahăr brut
** 85 ml lapte vegetal la alegere
** 5 g praf de copt 

** Alt unt de nuci sau semințe în loc de cele pe care le-am menționat. Gustul poate varia putin datorita untului.
** Alt îndulcitor la alegere 

Friday, September 28, 2018

High protein chocolate chunk cookies (EN/ RO)

Who likes chocolate chip (or chunk) cookies? I know I love them! Paired with some yummy plantbased milk it reminds me of the childhood. Granted, I don't eat them too often due to the amount of sugar and refined fat that they usually have, but they are delicious! And easily made vegan too! And a lot healthier if you want...
The difference between my cookies and some classic ones? These cookies are quite healthy, high in protein, oil free and made with wholesome ingredients. The only refined sugar is the one in the chocolate :)
If you need more bonus points... they are easy to make and bake. Almost as easy as eating them...
Ok, let's go to the recipe now.

Ingredients (EN) (makes about 15 large cookies):

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Date paste (EN/ RO)

** 400 g (2 cups) dates
** 400 ml (1.6 cup) water

Soak the dates in hot water for about 10-15 minutes.
Blend the dates with the water until you have a smooth paste.
Use as sweetener.

** 400 g curmale
** 400 ml apa

Inmuiati curmalele in apa fierbinte timp de 10-15 minute.
Blenduiti curmalele cu apa pastrata pana cand aveti o pasta fina.
Folositi ca indulcitor.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Easy 6 ingredients eggplant dip (EN/ RO)

You know by now that I love tahini. A lot. And I like eggplant dips too. So it was logical for me to combine these two. And the result is really delicious! This recipe is also inspired by the Middle Eastern dish, baba ganoush (because of the tahini).

I actually grew up eating a version of this dip and it's nice that I can improve it and make it my own. Because it's always nice to customize your food. 
This version of this dip is oil free, delicious and very easy to make. And 


Friday, September 14, 2018

Comforting bean and potato skillet (EN/RO)

As I already said in a previous post, here it's already fall. And now I can feel and see it too, because it's getting quite cold in the morning and evenings and all the leaves start to turn yellow or red and some of them have already fallen on the ground :(
It's a weather to stay inside and cuddle with a cup of tea and also a weather for more hearty and comforting foods, like thick and chunky soups, stews, curries, or for something like this delicious bean and potato skillet. 
I know, it's not a combo that you see daily, but don't dismiss it because of that. I actually made this recipe once as a fridge cleaner/ lazy cooking day. And I loved it so much that I made it again 2 days after. And I thought I should share it with you too, because I'm gonna keep this recipe as a easy go to meal for when I want something that's not even delicious, but satisfying, filing and ready in about 30 minutes.
This kind of sounds like the new perfect fall food, isn't it?

Ingredients (3-4 servings):

Friday, September 7, 2018

Make ahead breakfast ideas (EN/ RO)

Are you a breakfast fan? Because I didn't used to be... before I discovered meal prep. Why?
Because I was lazy most of the time and I preferred to sleep half an hour than make something to eat. And because I didn't have something already prepped, I used to make not so healthy choices when I would finally eat something. And now that I'm vegan, nothing changed. I mean I still prep my meals and I absolutely love doing this. It helps me a lot and saves a lot of time in the morning. Plus, I know that I have something delicious and healthy ready to go if I'm in a hurry (which is most of the mornings, let's be real!)
That's why I wanted to share some of my easy make ahead go to recipes with you!
They're ready in minutes the night before, and you can grab them from the fridge and enjoy! I love knowing that I have something so easy to make, customizable and ready to go when I need to.
Did I mention that they're also healthy and delicious?
Let's see what I made!

Berry delight wake-up smoothie

Ingredients (1 smoothie):

Friday, August 31, 2018

Delicious vanilla pear tart with a perfect coconut crust (EN/ RO)

It's already fall here. Ok, it's officially the last day of summer, but it already feels like fall. And we barely had any summer here :( 
But a tart made with fall fruits surely brings a bit of sun in our hearts. And this delicious vanilla pear tart with a coconut pastry crust it's inspired by fall but brings back a piece of summer in our hearts. 
And it's not only delicious, but oil free and gluten free, if you have any problems with gluten. 
And what's another thing that I love about this? Besides the obvious - it's delicious? It's something to make your back to school season/ start of the cold season better :)
Do you need more reasons to try this? Really? 
Let's see how I made it. And I perfected my coconut crust recipe too! 

Ingredients (makes about 6-8 servings): 

Friday, August 24, 2018

Two delicious wraps for school or work lunch (EN/ RO)

It's almost fall, so this means that it's almost back to school season. And I remember that that was quite a nice time for me (don't judge me, I kinda was a nerd in school, though I'm happy that for now I'm done with the school), but I always had to think at what should I pack for my meals. Especially when I had longer days. And who am I kidding? When you're at work you need food too!
And if the food is something delicious, easy to make and filling, then I believe that it's perfect!
My lunch wraps definitely check all the boxes for a good school or work meal, as you need just a few minutes to make them, they are very delicious and they keep you full too! 
So you'll have 2 more options for your on the go meals after you read this! Also, you can just wrap them in tissue paper or parchment paper and just throw them in a cooler bag and you don't need the ice pack for it, it keeps well like that for at least 6 hours.
And now let's see what I came up with! 

Smoky tofu and veggies wrap 
Ingredients (for 1 wrap) (EN):

Friday, August 17, 2018

Coconut vanilla creme caramel (EN/ RO)

As a child, my mom used to make creme caramel as a treat from time to time. I couldn't eat a lot as it was very rich, but I used to love it. And now I wanted some and I won't eat the traditional one, as it's not vegan. So I wanted a vegan version. 
I saw some vegan versions online, but I wanted to make my own, simpler, with just a few ingredients that I usually have in my pantry. And this is how I made this version, because my husband and I love coconut. And creamy desserts. 
And I have to say, I love it! It's everything a creme caramel should be: creamy, rich, sweet, with that caramel sauce on top... I love to add some berries to complement the richness and sweetness a bit. And the berries mixed with the creamy custard make such a dreamy combination! Or maybe you like to eat it just like this, without the berries, and that way is very delicious too! 
I recommend you to try both versions of this treat and let me know which one is your favorite! 
But it's enough talk... Let's go to the recipe! 

Ingredients (4-6 servings, depending on how big your moulds are):

Friday, August 10, 2018

Easy 5 ingredients pizza pockets (EN/ RO)

Who likes pizza? I sure do! And these little (or bigger, depends on how big you want them to be) pizza pockets are so much easier to pack when you're on the go than a pizza. And very delicious still!
Also, these pizza pockets are so easy to make and you only need 5 ingredients to create a delicious and quite healthy food that it's also very convenient. We love to eat them with a yogurt and garlic sauce or with just a simple tomato sauce, because what's pizza without a good sauce?
And why am I trying to find reasons for you to enjoy delicious vegan foods? Delicious food is always good and should be enjoyed because it's yummy and because you can!

Ingredients (makes about 8-10 pockets):

Friday, August 3, 2018

Chickpea and walnut seitan sausages (EN/ RO)

Even if the summer here looks more like fall, it's still the grill and barbecue season and sometimes some foods that are usually made on a grill are perfect to boost one's mood when it's rainy and grey outside. 
And sausages are something that is traditionally grilled and enjoyed at barbecues. Also when the sausages are vegan everything is looking so much better, am I right?
Of course, you can buy your sausages, but why should you? These ones are so easy to make, delicious and a lot healthier that the ones you can buy. So let's make some amazingly delicious vegan sausages!

Ingredients (yields about 10 sausages):
** 250 g (2 cups) wheat gluten
** 100 g (1/2 cup) chickpeas (cooked)
** 60 g (1/2 cup) walnuts
** 130 g (1/2 cup) tahini
** 1.5 tbsp garlic powder
** 1 tbsp smoky paprika
** 3 tbsp soy sauce
** 1 tsp coriander
** 1 tsp sage
** 1 tsp black pepper
** 1 tsp thyme
** 250 ml (1 cup) water

In a food processor blend together the walnuts, cooked chickpeas, tahini and spices with a splash of water until you have a paste with some walnut crumbs in it. Add the soy sauce and the gluten in the food processor and start blending, adding the rest of the water, until you have a wet dough.
You can knead the dough for 1-2 minutes more, but not too much, because you don't want your sausages to be too chewy.
Divide the dough in 10 equal pieces that you're gonna roll in some aluminum foil (or clingfilm). Make sure that the ends are tight then steam or boil your sausages for about 30 minutes.
Let them cool then you can grill or fry them or you can enjoy just like that on a bun with your favorite toppings.

Also, I have a video for this recipe too: 

If you like what you see, don't forget to follow this blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel and also comment and share the things that you like!

Ingrediente (ies aproximativ 10 cârnăciori):
** 250 g gluten de grâu
** 100 g năut (fiert)
** 60 g nuci
** 130 g tahini
** 1,5 linguri usturoi pudra
** 1 lingura ardei gras
** 3 linguri sos de soia
** 1 lingurita coriandru
** 1 linguriță salvie
** 1 lingurita negru
** 1 lingurita cimbru
** 250 ml apă

Într-un robot de bucătărie amestecați împreună nucile, năutul fiert, tahini și condimentele, cu un pic de apă până când aveți o pastă cu niște firmituri de nuci. Adăugați sosul de soia și glutenul în robotul de bucătărie procesați, adăugând restul de apă, până când aveți un aluat umed.
Puteți să frământați aluatul timp de încă1-2 minute, dar nu prea mult, pentru că nu doriți să aveți niște cârnăciori gumoși.
Împărțiți aluatul în 10 bucăți egale pe care le rulați în folie de aluminiu (sau folie alimentară). Asigurați-vă că sunt bine strânși la capetele, apoi gătiți la aburi sau fierbeți cârnăciorii timp de aproximativ 30 de minute.
Lăsați-i să se răcească, apoi puteți să îi prajiti sau să îi facți la grill sau puteți să îi consumati ca atare insoțiți de toppingurile preferate.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Baked apple fritters (EN/ RO)

What do you do when you have a bunch of apples? Because, as much as I love eating them raw, I love cooking with them too, especially dessert recipes, like pies, tarts and apple fritters. And lately not only I cannot have very sweet foods, but I cannot tolerate fried foods either (my baby wants a healthy mother, apparently). So I have to dry fry, or cook in water or I have to bake stuff or I'm gonna be in severe pain from my stomach... That's why I made these baked apple fritters that are not only delicious, but oil free and refined sugar free (I use unrefined sugar, because I love it and it's a tad healthier too). They don't have a ton of ingredients and those that I use are quite common for most kitchens. So with a few pretty common ingredients you can make some easy and very delicious snack/ dessert type food. And you have to try them, because they deserve some love and recognition :)
Enough talking now... Let's go to the recipe! 

Ingredients (makes about 16-18 fritters):

Friday, July 20, 2018

Creamy roasted peppers with tofu (EN/ RO)

I had some roasted peppers in the freezer and they were eyeing me every time I took something out. And I was drooling at the thought of making this creamy pepper dish that reminds me of childhood... Of course, then it wasn't vegan, but this isn't a problem for me, as I can veganize the dish and even make it better and add more protein and nutrition with the tofu. Actually, I believe that I didn't find a dish that I used to like and couldn't veganize it. But this is for another time... 
Today it's all about creamy and dreamy peppers combined with tofu and served with some delicious whole grains or noodles. One of my favorite comfort foods after a curry, actually. And why shouldn't I love these peppers? They're easy to make, cheap, creamy, delicious and really perfect for rainy or cold weather, for when you crave something more comforting... And they are quite healthy, especially if you make it with a nut or oat cream without (too much) oil added. 
And if you don't believe me, just try them for yourself! And don't forget to garnish them with fresh parsley, as that helps elevate the dish :)


Friday, July 13, 2018

Delicious and easy pizza dough (EN/ RO)

I loved pizza before I was vegan and love pizza even more now. 
Especially since I discovered that this simple and fast to make simple dough is absolutely perfect for pizza! So if we're craving pizza, I can make the dough in about 5 to 10 minutes, make my easy, stretchy and melty sunflower mozzarella in about 10 more minutes then roll the dough and throw my favorite toppings on that, then have the finished pizza in as little as 40 minutes from the start. So, if I want a thin crust, I can have it faster than if I would order in. And if I want a thick crust I can have it ready in about 1.5 hours. Or I can make focaccia or other things too... The options are always open. 
This delicious and easy to make pizza dough and pizza as a whole is my go to when I want something fast and a bit junkie because it's really yummy, easy to make and I always have the ingredients in my pantry and fridge. 
And it's still a healthier version of what you can find in pizza joints :) and I know that's always vegan, so that's a big plus! And you can load it with all the good stuff, like tons of veggies, beans, tofu and of course, my sunflower mozzarella, that goes perfectly with it!
Ok, let's see the recipe now!

Ingredients (EN):

Friday, July 6, 2018

Caramel cinnamon rolls (EN/ RO)

These vegan and delicious caramel cinnamon rolls are easy and quite fun to make, and especially to eat while they're not in any way or for a health food. But they are delicious and deserve a try from time to time :)
And they can be healthy if you use a glaze that's not made entirely from sugar :) Maybe some cashew or coconut cream or some vegan yogurt... All of them go really well with cinnamon and all these combos are delicious too!
You don't need to believe my word, you have to try it for yourself and enjoy every bit :)

Ingredients (EN):

Friday, June 29, 2018

Vanilla custard and summer fruits tart (EN/ RO)

Fresh summer fruits and a vanilla custard and all vegan? Oh, yes!
And that crumbly and yummy crust is just what you need to hold the tart and provide a little texture...
It sounds really good to me, even now, when I don't really crave or eat sweets, because even if it's a bit sweet it's still fresh and the vanilla custard has a nice zing from the lemon juice, and the fruits are just everything you need on top of this summery tart.
And who doesn't like a dessert that's sweet yet a bit fresh, that's not too guilty of a pleasure and just plain delicious?
And a tart with a vanilla custard is just all that when topped with your favorite fruits (fresh or grilled for a nice twist). Just the perfect summer baked desert!

Ingredients (EN):

Friday, June 22, 2018

Vegan steak (EN/ RO)

Lately I saw more than one version of vegan steaks. All of them (the ones I saw, at least) made with wheat gluten, that I actually like. But I always feel the need to make my own recipes or to put my own twist on the recipes that I find and make them my own.
So I had to make my own seitan steaks. Because I can and I like to make my recipes :) And guess what? These "steaks" are delicious and healthier for you than the animal version will ever be. Because they're free of cholesterol, saturated fats and no animal had to die for a steak.
Yes, the steak doesn't taste exactly like a flesh one, but I would not want that! This vegan steak has a nice texture, with just the right amount of chewiness, with some yummy flavors and if you crave meat I think it's a really good substitute.
And also, it's convenient for barbecues, just for a lunch or dinner with the family or for sandwiches or wraps (just cut it into strips). And you can even batter the steaks and make an entirely new dish! Recipe to come in the future! Just stay tuned! :)

Ingredients (EN):

Friday, June 15, 2018

Stretchy and melty sunflower mozzarella (EN/ RO)

I have to say... Before going vegan I liked cheese. Especially on a pizza, or in quesadilla...
I didn't had any dairy or other animal products for more than a year now, but I still love some (vegan) cheese from time to time. Especially some homemade cheese, that's not only oil and additives.
The homemade cheeses are usually made from nuts, especially cashews, but those then to be a bit expensive... So I wanted a good cheese that's not very expensive either.
So I turned to my friends, the sunflower seeds. And this mozzarella is stretchy, is melting on a pizza or quesadilla and it's really delicious. And quite affordable too!
I am actually proud of this recipe, to be honest with you!
Yes, this recipe is not oil free, but it's delicious, so I'm willing to eat oil from time to time, just for this yummy cheese :)
Let's go and see what I did!

Ingredients (EN):
** 80 g (0.5 cup) sunflower seeds, soaked for at least 1 hour or overnight
** 500 ml (2 cups) water
** 40 g (0.6 cup) nutritional yeast
** 15 g (1.5 tbsp) agar agar powder
** 30 g (3 tbsp) tapioca flour
** 60 g (4 tbs) coconut oil (optional, but recommended)
** 1 tbsp lemon juice
** 1/2 tsp garlic powder
** 1 tsp salt
** 1/4 tsp ground pepper

Soak the sunflower seeds for at least 1 hour, or better, overnight.
Add everything in a blender and blend until smooth.
Cook on low-medium heat until it thickens. Use as soon as it cools a bit or let it set in the fridge for at east 1 hour.
Store in the fridge for about 1 week.

Ingrediente (RO):
** 80 g semințe de floarea-soarelui, înmuiate timp de cel puțin 1 oră sau peste noapte
** 500 ml apă
** 40 g drojdie nutritivă
** 15 g agar agar pudra
** 30 g făină sau amidon de tapioca
** 60 g ulei de cocos (optional, dar recomandat)
** 1 lingura de suc de lamaie
** 1/2 linguriță de praf de usturoi
** 1 lingurită de sare
** 1/4 linguriță de piper

Înmuiați semințele de floarea-soarelui timp de cel puțin o oră sau mai bine, peste noapte.
Adăugați totul într-un blender și procesați până la uniformizare.
Gatiti la foc mic pana cand se ingroasa. Utilizați imediat ce se răcește un pic sau lăsați în frigider la minim 1 oră.
A se păstra în frigider timp de aproximativ o săptămână.

I have a video version with a recipe for a really quick and lazy quesadilla too, here:

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